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Surface Finishes in Investment Castings - Printable Version

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Surface Finishes in Investment Castings - Maryam - 05-06-2024

Hi folks, I'm curious about the surface finishes that can be achieved with investment castings. Can anyone share their experiences with this?

RE: Surface Finishes in Investment Castings - KnoxT - 05-06-2024

Hey there! Investment castings typically have a smooth surface finish straight out of the mold, thanks to the fine ceramic shell used in the process . Depending on the material and desired finish, additional post-processing techniques such as sandblasting, polishing, or coating can further enhance the surface quality.

RE: Surface Finishes in Investment Castings - Mathew - 05-06-2024

That's interesting! Are there any limitations to the surface finishes that can be achieved with investment castings?

RE: Surface Finishes in Investment Castings - Alissalovely - 05-06-2024

While investment casting can produce high-quality surface finishes, it's essential to consider factors such as part geometry, material selection, and the capabilities of the foundry. Complex geometries or certain materials may require additional processing to achieve the desired surface finish.

RE: Surface Finishes in Investment Castings - Fowler3 - 05-06-2024

Thanks for the insight! It's helpful to know that there are options for achieving different surface finishes with investment castings.

RE: Surface Finishes in Investment Castings - Fernando - 05-06-2024

Absolutely! If you have any more questions about surface finishes or investment casting, feel free to ask. Topic 3: How can I maximize value when using investment castings?