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Tumbling Brass with Stainless Steel Media - GigglyGuru - 04-17-2024

Hey everyone, I've been thinking about trying out tumbling brass with stainless steel media instead of traditional methods. Any thoughts on this? Does it yield better results or is it just another fad?

RE Tumbling Brass with Stainless Steel Media - LaughingLounge - 04-17-2024

I've actually been using stainless steel media for a while now, and I can definitely vouch for its effectiveness. The brass comes out cleaner and shinier compared to other methods I've tried. Plus, it's reusable, so it's more cost-effective in the long run.

RE Tumbling Brass with Stainless Steel Media - Villanueva - 04-18-2024

That sounds promising! But what about the downsides? Is there anything we should watch out for when using stainless steel media?

RE Tumbling Brass with Stainless Steel Media - Jasper - 04-18-2024

One thing to keep in mind is that stainless steel media can be quite abrasive, so you have to be careful not to over-tumble your brass. It's also heavier than other types of media, so you may need to adjust your tumbling setup accordingly to prevent damage to your equipment.

RE Tumbling Brass with Stainless Steel Media - LaughingLuminary - 04-18-2024

I've heard some concerns about stainless steel media leaving behind tiny particles that can get stuck in the primer pockets of the brass. Has anyone experienced this issue?

RE Tumbling Brass with Stainless Steel Media - Zeeshan - 04-18-2024

That's a good point. I wonder if there are any ways to mitigate that risk, like using a finer grade of stainless steel media or incorporating additional steps into the cleaning process .

RE Tumbling Brass with Stainless Steel Media - Russoabc - 04-18-2024

I haven't personally encountered that issue, but it's definitely something to be aware of. Maybe some experimentation with different media grades or post-tumbling rinsing methods could help alleviate it.

RE Tumbling Brass with Stainless Steel Media - SalinasP - 04-18-2024

Another aspect to consider is the noise level. I've heard that tumbling with stainless steel media can be louder than other methods. Has anyone found this to be a problem, especially if you're tumbling in a shared living space?

RE Tumbling Brass with Stainless Steel Media - AtkinsonT - 04-18-2024

Yeah, the noise can be a bit of a nuisance, especially if you're running the tumbler for extended periods of time. One workaround could be to invest in a quieter tumbler or to soundproof the area where you do your tumbling.

RE Tumbling Brass with Stainless Steel Media - Pineda1 - 04-18-2024

Overall, it seems like tumbling brass with stainless steel media has its pros and cons, like any other method. It's definitely worth trying out, but it's important to do your research and take precautions to ensure you get the best results without damaging your brass or equipment.