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How does a 2" stainless steel ball valve perform under high pressure? - Printable Version

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How does a 2" stainless steel ball valve perform under high pressure? - OliverH - 10-25-2024

I'm considering purchasing a 2" stainless steel ball valve for my next project. I've read that they can handle high pressure, is that true? Any personal experiences?

RE How does a 2" stainless steel ball valve perform under high pressure? - QuiverQueens - 10-25-2024

Stainless steel ball valves are known to be very robust and can indeed handle high pressure pretty well. However, they might not always work well in high-temperature settings.

RE How does a 2" stainless steel ball valve perform under high pressure? - WitWizard - 10-25-2024

I've used one for my water tank setup at home, and so far, it works great. It controls the flow better than my old Pvc valves.

RE How does a 2" stainless steel ball valve perform under high pressure? - Chelseylovely - 10-25-2024

I agree. They are highly durable and suitable for a wide range of applications. Just remember, It's all about getting the one suitable for your specific needs.