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Stainless Steel Lock Casting Injection or Centrifugal? - Printable Version

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Stainless Steel Lock Casting Injection or Centrifugal? - Anika - 09-29-2024

Hi guys, wanted to ask a question. I'm new to casting, particularly stainless steel casting. Is it better to go for injection molding or centrifugal casting for stainless steel locks?

RE Stainless Steel Lock Casting Injection or Centrifugal? - Pierce - 09-29-2024

Hi, welcome to the world of casting. Both methods have their merits. It depends on your needs. Centrifugal casting is good for large-scale production, while injection molding offers more precision.

RE Stainless Steel Lock Casting Injection or Centrifugal? - Ayers - 09-29-2024

if you're focusing on precision and fine detail on your locks, I'd suggest injection molding. It lets you capture intricate details that other methods can't.

RE Stainless Steel Lock Casting Injection or Centrifugal? - KamranF - 09-29-2024

Yep, but remember, with injection molding, you need to design your product and create a mold first. This can be costly if you're only doing small batches.