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Is buying stainless steel water bottles in bulk worth it? - Printable Version

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Is buying stainless steel water bottles in bulk worth it? - AtkinsonT - 09-27-2024

Hello everyone! Recently, I'm thinking about buying stainless steel water bottles in bulk for an upcoming event. Has anyone done this before and could share their experiences, pros and cons?

RE Is buying stainless steel water bottles in bulk worth it? - Rafael - 09-27-2024

I did this for a company event, it was quite cost effective. Plus, it was a great way to promote sustainability within our organization.

RE Is buying stainless steel water bottles in bulk worth it? - Lyndonlovely - 09-27-2024

I have also made a bulk purchase, but the downside was lack of variation in the style and color - everything was the same.

RE Is buying stainless steel water bottles in bulk worth it? - PleasurePosse - 09-27-2024

Could anyone recommend good suppliers for bulk purchases?

RE Is buying stainless steel water bottles in bulk worth it? - AtkinsonT - 09-27-2024

Yes, do ensure that you do a proper quality check before purchasing. I had an unfortunate experience with subpar quality bottles.